Unabhängiges Magazin für Wirtschaft und Bildung

07. Mai 2024

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Cost pressure requires innovation

Cost pressure requires innovation© piqs.de/jules

An increasing cost pressure and competition in the health and trade industry requires innovation.

(Vienna; english/german) The health sector is a known area where experts can see extensive improvement and savings potential. Driven by quality pressure, quality demands as well as high personnel and patient satisfaction, hospitals in particular face high challenges.

A current Deloitte study shows that many responsible persons award modern IT solutions a decisive role regarding the subject of cost optimisation and that they shall enable a sustained optimisation of all processes of the medical service provision. Experts recommend an integrally drafted hospital information system (KIS) for hospitals, which relieves doctors and carers on the one hand, increases the quality of supply, as well as slims down processes in parallel and thereby ensures a secure data management and documentation.

Clinical data any time and everywhere
With the increased use of modern communication technologies and devices such as tablets or smartphones, the mobility of the doctors and employees of clinics has also increased. Via apps and tablets linked with a KIS, one person can work with all clinical data at any time and everywhere,
Hospitals require correspondingly experienced partners for the implementation of comprehensive KIS solutions. The medical institutions of Burgenland (KRAGES) for example have, together with T-Systems, optimised all procedures in the field of surgery. All relevant data from the surgery request via the planning up to the surgery are recorded, documented and provided centrally in the electronic patient file.
Thereby, the entire system with all processes and data is integrated seamlessly into the SAP landscape by means of the automated work flow. “Modern hospital information systems bring about numerous advantages for doctors and patients and the optimisation of the the processes additionally increases the economic use” says Katharina Proske of T-Systems.

The decisive role of payment
An industry having similarly high challenges is the trade. Companies must react more and more to large competition from the web. The subject payment plays a decisive role thereby, solutions must be integrated into existing environments without media disruption and function securely as well as smoothly from the start. One of the safest e payment methods are the payment versions on the basis of online banking, as for example SOFORT transfer (SOFORT Überweisung). Wellknown electronics dealers such as Mediamarkt, Redcoon, Conrad or Saturn use that payment method.
The trader is signalled the immediate cash receipt via SOFORT, which is precisely advantageous with high-price electronic devices, as the cash flow is increased thereby and the return quota is lowered. Additionally, the shipment can happen at once, and the buyer profits again from the fast delivery.
“The online trade with notebooks, smartphones, TV devices is a high fraud area, thus susceptible to fraud. Payment methods used here must ensure security for buyers and sellers”, stresses Christian Renk, managing director of Klarna Austria.


red/czaak – translation by economy, Economy Ausgabe Webartikel, 20.10.2016