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Mobile shopping with a high real time experience

Mobile shopping with a high real time experience© news18

The digital transformation is in full flow, including modern payment methods for smartphones and tablets. Traditional business models as well as entire industries are affected therefrom. Thus, the hotel and catering industry for example must meet the successes of the accommodation agent Airbnb and the Chauffeur app Uber or the automotive industry Google and Apple.

The media market has also been included by this development and this already started early in the advertising market: the business with automotive, real estate, jobs or furniture ads has almost completely migrated into the digital world. At any time, sales offers or purchases can be completed from anywhere. For this to work smoothly, modern and payment procedures are needed, payment procedures such as advance payment or direct debit reach their limits here.

Fast transactions
Direct transfer methods such as Sofort Überweisung have better chances here, because they offer transactions in seconds with real-time confirmation, without cumbersome registration with the highest security standards. For all digital business models it applies: in the end, the offers with the best 'user experience’ will pertain. This also applies to the payment, payment on the internet must be secure, fast and easy.
"Sofort Überweisung is ideally suited for this", explains Ralph Hausegger of the Styria Media Group, which uses Sofort Überweisung at willhaben.at as well as other digital platforms of the business. For each digital transformation, especially when goods, goods and services are bought and sold via the internet, the payment process is the key success factor. With mobile payment, payment on the go with smartphone and tablet, the next revolution in this area is already in the starting blocks.

Security claims
But precisely in the area of online and mobile payment, traditional payment providers in Europe have yet to catch up: The payment processes are often still too complicated, not user-friendly enough and they often end at the country’s border. These are the main reasons for purchase cancellation in the online shop. "Trans-boundary, secure and convenient e-payment through mobile devices is essential to make Europe grow together even more," says Christian Renk, Managing Director of Klarna Austria.
New, independent providers deliver solutions here that have already proven themselves in practice. As so-called "Game Changers", they offer perfect solutions for mobile shopping. Perfect thereby means: quick, uncomplicated, secure, slim data retention and cost-efficient. Renk: “These young pan-European payment providers, including Klarna and the Sofort Ltd. can best reflect the characteristics of the European market. And these include especially the demands of consumers in terms of security and privacy. "


red/czaak ; translation by economy, Economy Ausgabe Webartikel, 08.02.2017