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05. Mai 2024

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Thrilled by technology or distanced from technology

Thrilled by technology or distanced from technology© piqs.de

Companies need to differentiate according to the needs of their customers, decisive is whether or not there is an affinity with the product.

For newly founded online Start-ups with different target groups, the most accurate addressing and retrieval of their customers is relevant. This applies to students with their Smartphones or tablets, as well as for less technically active people.

Responsive Design
Competenz4u, for example, is a new learning platform, which mainly deals with maths tutorials based on the new exam system for students in Grammar Schools (ABS), Vocational Colleges (BHS) and Adult Education Centres (VHS). Central to the service is more than 1000 short videos with the so-called competence tasks, which nowadays mainly consists of school examinations.
The online platform is created with a responsive design, which automatically adapts itself to the different device formats of the users. In the next step a new payment solution was implemented Wirecard CEE. The most important requirement was the fast and robust linking with existing interfaces and flexibility in new payment services, especially for mobile devices. "Prior to start, Wirecard gave our programmers all the details they needed, and their programmers were closely connected with those in our web design agency, and the implementation was done in a few hours," said Dominicus Türtscher from competenz4u.

Austrian Next Top StartUp
Another Start-Up in the field of service is "Helferline". Just nominated as "Austria's Next Top StartUp", the company offers support in technical problems in Vienna and Graz. When a customer calls, a nearby technician is sent to solve the problem on the spot.
Helferline deliberately chose the phone for its contact with customers. Less technically savvy people do not have to struggle with apps or websites, which would also not be available when problems with the network or device occur. "As a central sales channel, a free, easy-to-remember hotline is used and this number can also be used in Germany and Switzerland which involves the so-called DACH drilling," explains Markus Buchner of the dialogue service provider atms.


red/czaak; translation by economy, Economy Ausgabe Webartikel, 21.04.2017